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Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Is Commenting on Blogs a Smart Traffic Strategy?

Is Commenting on Blogs a Smart
Traffic Strategy?

And yes.
It depends on how you do it.
Some people do it horrendously wrong.
Let’s take a look.

Curiosity-Click Traffic is Crap

If one of your primary traffic strategies is to leave fast comments on the posts of larger blogs in your niche just to get a few clicks from the passing traffic, stop. You could get more traffic from one piece of stellar content than months of that type of comment strategy.
And without good content, there’s no reason to attract a few “curiosity clicks” anyway. What’s going to make them stick around after the click if your content sucks?
Plus, the root motivation for those curiosity clicks is often bad to begin with. The nature of the game makes it that way.
Many new bloggers take the misguided approach of trying to be the first or second comment on every post of a larger blog. They do this because those positions in the comment stream get the most click-throughs, all other things being equal.
The problem is, in the rush for “first,” the resulting comments are often incoherent and banal. Sometimes it’s quite clear the commenter didn’t read the post, or missed the entire point in the hurry for top position.
So any curiosity clicks are usually motivated by “I wonder just how bad this bozo’s blog is going to be?” It’s true… lame blogs are entertainment for the rest of us.
So, is commenting on blogs worthless?
Nope. In fact, you can actually attract that traffic you want via a smart commenting strategy.

How Comments Can Lead to Real Traffic

So, we’ve established that great content is rule number one. Without it, all traffic to your blog is pretty much a waste.
Beyond that, the secret to blog comments that ultimately lead to traffic establish…
Shocking, I know.
Think about it. It’s no secret that many of the people who comment on blogs are also bloggers. They simply have more motivation to take the time to comment.
So when you meaningfully participate in the community aspect of a blog, you’re creating meaningful relationships with people who can send you significant traffic—bloggers and other active social media users.
Getting links, re-tweets, social media votes and bookmarks… this is the way that content spreads. This is the way you get real traffic that actually matters.
This doesn’t entail kissing up to the blog owner (most of us hate strategic-sounding praise). What it means is creating a network that provides the payoff for all the effort you’ve put into your content.
It takes time, but at least it actually works.

Can’t I be First and Fabulous?

I have seen some people who manage to leave exquisite, meaningful comments who also routinely score the first or second position. But I don’t recommend it.
Watching your feed reader or tweet stream that closely throughout the day has got to be distracting. Maybe I’m not as good a multi-tasker, but I find that the higher level of singular focus I place on content development, the better the content turns out.
But that’s just my opinion.
So, what do you think? Am I right, wrong, or middling?
It’s also no secret that Copyblogger readers are a cut above the rest of the crowd. So please leave an exquisite, meaningful comment. :)

10 Effective Ways to Get More Blog Subscribers

How did you get so many subscribers?
The answer is simple—I value subscribers more than any other measure of blog success, such as page views or raw traffic. Subscribers are the life blood of a successful blog in my opinion, and frankly, I wish I had more of them.
Okay, that may be a bit vague.
So here are 10 specific strategies you can begin to implement today and start getting more blog subscribers right away.

1. Make it easy and obvious

As I’ve said before in more detail, make your subscription options prominent, offer an email alternative to RSS, and ask for the subscription, preferably at the bottom of each post.

2. Be laser focused

Make sure you are primarily focusing on a particular topic, and the more specialized that topic is, the better you’ll do. It’s also key to step back and evaluate whether there are enough prospective readers in your chosen niche. It’s better to be brutally honest with yourself than to toil away and end up disappointed.

3. Offer a bribe

Relax, it’s nothing illegal. It’s an ethical bribe, in the form of a free ebook, report, e-course or audio series. Typically this only works with email subscriptions tied to autoresponders, because you want to condition delivery of the bonus on subscription.
But here’s a nifty way to do it with RSS:
If you have a WordPress blog, use the free Feedvertising plugin to link to the download page for your free gift. Since Feedvertising links only show up in the feed (and not in the post), only feed subscribers will see the link and have access to the bonus.

4. Use viral ebooks

This is a spin on the ethical bribe strategy, but instead you let other people give away your PDF ebook or even bundle it for sale with other products. The PDF in turn promotes your blog. Check out this post to see how I bundled my free Viral Copy report with a book that spent several days at the top of the Amazon bestseller list.

5. Dedicated subscription landing page

Create a page that is dedicated to nothing more than obtaining a subscription, and drive traffic to it from your blog, AdWords, or really any other source you want. You can even put it on a unique URL, and add in the ethical bribe strategy to increase signups. For more information on doing this with AdWords,.

6. Become a guest blogger

Contributing content to someone else’s blog may seem crazy, but it’s a solid strategy to gain exposure for your own blog and build your subscriber base. Just make it very clear to the blog owner that you require a very brief byline at the end of the post, with a link back to your site. And make sure it’s original content, not something recycled off of your blog.

7. Start a podcast

Start a related podcast on your subject matter, and get it into iTunes and listed in the various podcasting directories. Mention your blog in every episode and the benefits of subscribing, and try to land some interviews with prominent players in your niche. Not only will you be opening up a new promotional channel, you’re also creating bonus content that can be reused as part of your ethical bribe campaign for new subscribers.

8. Post in forums

A tried and true technique since the earliest days of the Internet is to be a helpful, proactive participant in forums that are important in your niche. People will notice that you are offering yourself up to others, and will be more inclined to see what else you have to offer with your blog.

9. Networking

This is perhaps the most overlooked strategy for gaining traffic and subscribers. Don’t badger other bloggers for links, because it rarely works anymore. Find a way to help them with something, and then eventually work that initial graciousness into a business relationship and even friendship. There are real people behind these blogs, and they respond to good will just like people do offline.

10. Cross-promotional deals

Here’s another cool way to make use of the Feedvertising plugin for WordPress.
Find a blogger that publishes related, but non-competitive content. Work out a deal where you both promote each other in your RSS feeds, using Feedvertising. If one blog has way more subscribers than the other, work out a ratio deal. Since Feedvertising allows you to create up to six rotating links, the smaller blog would promote the other blog continuously, while the larger blog would reserve one slot for the smaller blog, and use the other slots for other cross-promotion deals, affiliate links, or sponsor ads.
So there you have it, with one additional word of caution.
All of the above presupposes that you are producing the best content you can. If you honestly cannot say that you are doing your best work content-wise, start there. But afterward, using some or all of the above will definitely increase your subscriber count.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011


How to create a blog with Blogger

Need help getting started with Blogger? Check out this quick tutorial! Please help us improve our videos by filling out this short survey ...
  3 years ago  5,185,323 views

The Art Of Writing Best Content

The Art Of Writing Best Content

The Art Of Writing Best Content1.Research, Research and research
If you are not well known or not confident enough to carve your posts smartly, research a lot. In such cases, what I usually do is I find out several articles about my topic in internet and download and print them. I then sped my time reading all of them carefully and highlighting the important part of them. I sketch a rough article or draft. Then when I start my actual writing, I keep all those articles spread around me and I try to include the highlighted points. Try this trick. It is very easy, effective and not much time consuming. This is the best trick I use myself to write down the posts.
2. Personal, engaging and straight
While writing posts, consider making them more personal engaging and straight. While you write your posts, add your personal touch and tone. This encourages the reader to continue reading and it makes them feel that somebody personally is teaching themselves. Make your post engaging, by trying to involve interesting facts, examples and blueprints. But always remember to put your thoughts in a straight manner so the readers aren’t distracted. Writing in points and help you doing this. Try your best to make your posts reader friendly too!
3.The KISS technique
I did not invent this term but at least, this is my one of the favorite abbreviation in blogging. It is the short form of KEEP IT SHORT AND SIMPLE. Yes, always keep your post simple and short and meaningful. Long posts may get your readers bored so make your post compact while also interesting because people nowadays want a lot of things very fast. You blog will be appreciated if you keep your blog post short and simple.
4. The title of your post
As Daniel Socosso said, Until you carve out your title smartly it will be the first and last thing that your reader will read on your blog. Title summaries your post and encourages to read the rest of the article. A catchy and unique post title makes your half business done and it is equally important as your post’s body. No matter how nicely you write your post body, if your title is bulky and boring, nobody would want to read your post. So don’t ever hesitate to spend as much time you can with your headline and come up with the best matching title for your post. Take suggestion from family and friends, do some research and use suspicious and staggering words that can easily drive the attention of the reader of your blog and have the best title you can ever think of.
5.The more you edit the better the content gets.
If you try this one, I’m sure you’ll really have a nice article with you. What I do to all of my posts is when I prepare a finished copy of my post, I do not publish it straight away. I keep it for a while (about 2-3 days) and work on other posts. Meanwhile I often have look on that post, read it and edit my the post. I do it many times and more I edit my article, consequently the better it gets. It helps you to have better content than the time you wrote it.
6.Final Proofreading.
Grammatical, informational, spelling and other types of blunders in your post can hamper it’s quality a lot. It can also decrease the reputation of the blog and blogger himself. So don”t rush to hit that Publish button just yet. Try to check for every kinds of errors and if there are any, correct them immediately.
Remember that the popularity, reputation, traffic’s volume and your success as a blogger depends upon how you write and carve your content.These steps are really very very effective and they help you to come up always with better content. So be consistent towards your content of your blog and watch the success coming your way.

Add FaceBook Like Button For Blogger ( BlogSpot ) And Customize It.

The button code,
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;layout=standard&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=100&amp;action=like&amp;font=arial&amp;colorscheme=light&quot;' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:40px;'/>
where to add it ?
Log into your blogger account, then go to Layout >> Edit Html.
Before doing any thing you must check Expand Widget Templates box.
And find the next Code
<div class='post-header-line-1'/>
And after it, paste your button code
What, If you didn’t find the code above in your template, The try to find the following,
And paste the button code Before it.
click Save Template and you are done.
Step 2. Customize your button & Demo.
in the above code you can customize 3 parts. and i’ve colored them to make it easy for you to recognize,
in the above code change the following parts,
  • like this part controls the verb that appear on your button, keep it as you see or change it to recommend if you want.
  • arial this part controls the font type, keep it or change it to one of the following,
  • light this part controls your button color theme, and you have three options, lightevil, or dark
  • Update, How to make it appear on your home page.
in the button code there are two parts you’ll need to remove to make this button appear on your home page, the first line and the last line, if you still don’t under stand, please see the following parts and delete it before pasting the code to your template,
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
I wish you all like it and please leave your comments if you need any help, to see demo for it please click here.

13 Brilliant Blogger Templates For Showcase, Gallery And Photography.

1. Simplex Portfolio
Simplex Portfolio blogger template
simple and clear template. 1 column with top navigation page, searchbox. jquery slider and 4 column footer, once you hover your mouse on any picture you can see it’s title, date, and comments number.
2. 6 Gallery Blogger Templates Collection By
6 Gallery Blogger Templates Collection By
this blogger templates collection created by me, ( max from ),
it’s great collection that fits all bloggers coz it comes with 6 diffirent headers and yu must find yours in this collection.
it’s 2 column templates, with top navigation menu, and searchbox. 3 column at footer.
green and blue background with vector header.
3. Gallery
Gallery blogger template
2 column blogger template, dark background, top menubar. clear and simple layout.
4. Mosaicus Ultimate
Mosaicus Ultimate blogger template
clear and very simple gallery blogger template, light colors and background, 2 columns, right sidebar, top navbar.
5. Gallery Gallery blogger template
dark background, red color touchs, nice top menu navbar, well designed search box, showcase blogger template, 2 column, right sidebar. 3 footer column, one of the most viewd and popular blogger templates.
6. Tequilas Flamejantes Light
Tequilas Flamejantes Light blogger template
simple yellow gallery template, 2 column, right sidebar, 4 column on footer, top navmenu.
7. Tequilas Flamejantes dark
Tequilas Flamejantes dark blogger template
simple dark gallery template, 2 column, right sidebar, 4 column on footer, top navmenu.
8. sGallery
sGallery blogger template
amazing wooden background, really nice background, brown and orange colors.
2 column, right sidebar.
9. Hybrid Gallery
Hybrid Gallery blogger template
this is one of the most beutiful photography and gallery blogger templates ever. personally i love this template, gray background, profesionall top nav menu and search box, left sidebar, 2 column. + 3 footer column.
10. Simple X Photogallery
Simple X Photogallery blogger template
nicly coded blogger template that uses jquery for displaying your images, 1 column, horisontal images browesing bar, top nav bar, searchbox.
11. Showcase Light
Showcase Light blogger template
bright colors template, gallery layout, top navbar, white and blue colors, 2 column, right sidebar.
12. Photoplus
Photoplus blogger template
another amazing jquery template, 1 column, top navbar, great lightbox like image viewer, footer 3 column, dark colors.
13. Photoplus light
Photoplus light blogger template

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